An Idea for EVERY Day

(Updated 8/12/2022)

Hello Leaders,

We are glad you are here!  We want to celebrate with you!  Why?  Because it is the first!  The first post.  The first day of the rest of your life.  The first "An Idea for Every Day" calendar.  We hope it gives you a reason to celebrate!

What Is "An Idea for Every Day?"

A calendar that we hope brings you inspiration is what you'll find here.  With the help of, we cooked up ways for you to celebrate each day with your littles.  You'll find science, literacy, math, music, art, community building, and social studies options on this menu.  Finally, we offer link pairings for some select options.

How Can I Use It?

  1. Print the calendar.
  2. Put it near where you plan.
  3. Consider some of the ideas on the calendar as you plan.
  4. Enjoy each day celebrating with the littles.
  5. Share your favorite celebration with us, so we can celebrate with you!
Thanks again for sharing your time with us!  We hope you find JOY for today.

At Your Service,
Offering samplings of life by a husband and wife

Interested in even more educational resources?  Then stop by our Learning Lab.  It's here where we store all the educational resources we've cooked up to date.  


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