Fall Leaf Decorations that Teach!

Welcome Fellow Cooks to the Academic Kitchen!

Fall is nearly upon us!  We want to help you prepare for it by dishing up seasonal cuisine to delight your taste buds and soothe your cravings. And what better way to do it than to spruce up your classroom with some fall leaf decorations? But these aren't just any fall leaf decorations. No. These decorations require learning! 

Fall Leaf Decorative Teaching Menu:

Capitalization Rule Fall Leaf Display 

Today, we’re sharing (and adding our own flavoring to) an idea from Mary McMillan in her book, Classroom Starters for Any Occasion.
Adapted to suit the tastes of the academic cooks at Wolfe Stew

McMillan suggests making a leaf necklace to review capitalization rules.  After making a list of all the capitalization rules, littles choose a word to showcase each rule and write each word or phrase on its own leaf.  Challenge your littles by proposing specific topics such as fall, a book of their choice, a topic of study, etc.   Here’s my sample.  Feel free to use it as a model in class.
An orange table with a list of the capitalization rules on the left and examples of the rule on the right.

Ideas for Elementary and Middle School

Is capitalization not on your current objective menu?  This idea lends itself to versatility.  Stew on some of these ideas.
A yellow table with grade levels on the left and activity suggestions on the right.

Fall Leaf Decoration Display Suggestions

So, your littles aren’t into necklaces?   Mix it up, chefs.  Consider some of the ideas on this menu:
A yellow table box in the middle suggests ideas for using the leaves. The background is of colorful fall leaves.

The Wolfe Stew Printout 

Where does that “leaf” us?  Oh yes, with the need to collect leaves.  And you can!  Consider taking a nature walk and collecting leaves to use for this project.  I mean, there is no better way to get in the fall spirit than jumping right in.  But, if this just does not work for you and yours, we’ve cooked up a template for your consideration.  In the download, you'll also find a page full of all the easier-to-cut-out leaves for your little learners.

Use this template to bring leaves into learning with your preschool, kindergarten, first grade, second grade, third grade, fourth grade, fifth grade or sixth grade learner.
Download this template along with printable activity ideas by clicking here.

Here’s to hoping you fall in love with fall this season!

With Love from Our Kitchen,

Offering samplings of life by a husband and wife

Interested in even more educational resources?  Then stop by our Learning Lab.  It's here where we store all the educational resources we've cooked up to date.  


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