STEAM TEAM - Silas Part 1

(Updated 5/12/2022)

Confession time, Leaders.  I finally gave in.  I brewed my first pot of pumpkin spice coffee today, my home has fall scented plug-ins both upstairs and down, and my sister brought me my first pumpkin latte.  Fall is in my heart (even if it is not officially fall outside) and, oh, how it fills my spirit with joy!

Quick Links for You:

If you are looking for fall themed activities, be sure to check out the "Going on a Leaf Hunt," and "Fall Leaf Decorations that Teach!" posts.  "Going on a Leaf Hunt!" suits primarily primary learners, while "Fall Leaf Decorations that Teach!" adapts to most age groups.

Meet Silas

Last Friday, we introduced the first character in our STEAM Team: Silas.  If you have not met Silas yet, go meet him.  You'll need to know his story before you progress further. 

Mission 1: Distinguished Apothecary

Silas, a doctor of necessity, knows little about the field he's been forced into and needs to learn - quickly. Task your cadets with compiling a medical book recommendation list for him while honing research and comparison skills. To help manage your cadets, we've produced a lesson plan, worksheets with leveled options, and a sample sheet. Take a glance at the table of contents.

A Silas (our STEAM Team Scientist) inspired lesson involving research on medical fields for your 4th, 5th and 6th grade learners.
Download your first Silas mission!

Upon mission completion, return to report for your next mission: Bot Bedlam.  Given Silas' new reality, your continued support is imperative!


Offering samplings of life by a husband and wife

Interested in even more educational resources?  Then stop by our Learning Lab.  It's here where we store all the educational resources we've cooked up to date.  


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