Halloween for Saints

(Updated 10/27/2022)

Fellow Leaders. Saints Clad in the Armor of Christ,

Let's talk about Halloween. Yes, Halloween. Possibly the least favorite holiday for many Christians - at the very least, the most controversial one. Halloween is a time to celebrate and challenge fear. A holiday thwarted by many Christians as repulsive, diabolical, and shameful when celebrated. But I challenge you to start looking at Halloween differently. I'm calling on you, fellow Saints, to see it instead as a day we choose to look our fears in the face, call them out by name and tell them, "I'm not afraid of you!"

How we Face Our Fears

  1. Fight our lies with the truth.
  2. Remember who we are.
  3. Remember where we came from.
  4. Remind ourselves where we are going.

The Three-Day March

And we can use this season to engage in this process! There are three days right in a row that work perfectly to remind us of this purifying, light-shining, soul-awakening process.  Halloween, All Saint's Day, and All Souls Day - also referred to as Allhallowtide. Let's walk through the three days and see how we can reframe them for our good.  


On Halloween we will fight our lies with the truth, by using our "Fighting Words":

I will fight the lies with the truth
Keep my eyes fixed on you
I will sing the truth into the dark
I will use my fighting words  
- Ellie Holcomb
To fight, call each fear out by name. Write them down. Consider each one. Admit that you are afraid. Next, search for Biblical truths that diminish these fears. Scripture that reminds you your fears have no power. (To find relevant scripture, I frequently use Open Bible, Knowing Jesus, and Bible Study Tools).  It might be a different verse for each fear, or a powerful verse that moves your spirit and chases away all the fears. Write the verse(s) down. Put it(them) next to each fear.  Allow the truth to push the fear away. Then, when you're ready, have a fear bonfire. Sacrifice your fears to the King, recognizing His authority over all fear (Psalm 34:4 and I John 4:18). As you watch, repeat the truth(s) that God, the all-consuming fire (Deuteronomy 9:3), gifted you through scripture. 

All Saints Day

Fears burnt, God's power remembered, we march with confidence into All Saints Day. The day we as Christians don our costumes - suiting up in full armor (Ephesians 6:10-18) and proudly waving our flag (Song of Solomon 2:4). Let's see this as a triumphant march. The day we march in victory. In victory because of those Saints who've paved the way for us (Hebrews 11). In victory because we march to join their ranks (Hebrews 12:1). In victory because we remember who we are - Children of the Most High God (John 1:12). Chosen (John 15:16). In victory because we remember where we came from - knitted in our mother's womb (Psalm 139:13). Planned and created for a purpose (Ephesians 2:10).  Overcomers of much and more to come (I John 5:4-5). In victory because we know we are no longer slaves to fear (2 Timothy 1:7).  

All Souls Day

With these truths in our hearts, we march onward to All Souls Day. We remind ourselves where our march ends - in heaven (John 14:2). Where we will live in eternity with a Father whose love knows no end (Romans 8:38-39). Where we will meet up with those who have gone before us (I Thessalonians 4:16-17). Where our fears have no power and Satan has no foothold (Hebrews 2:14). Where our spirits sing in enduring worship to our King (Revelation 15:4).

Saints, it's past time to reshape and reclaim this time of year as a spiritual reawakening. Let us proudly "sing our truth into the dark," proclaiming our service to the One True King as we march in victory toward the ones who have gone before us. In one voice we proclaim:

Do not rejoice over me, O my enemy.  Though I fall, I will rise; Though I dwell in darkness, the Lord is a light for me.

Your Fellow Saints in Christ,
Offering samplings of life by a husband and wife

P.S. Here are images for you to post, pin, paperclip, paste, or ponder.

with the truth.

who you are, where you came from, and where you are going.

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