Made to Order QUIZine Samplings

Leaders of Littles, if you are not already aware of this service, we at Wolfe Stew offer Made to Order QUIZine.  What is this service?  It’s how it sounds.  If you’d like us to specially prepare a specific resource for you, we’d love to try our hand at it.  Now, of course, as with all special requests, it does come with a few disclaimers:

  1. Expecting perfect, astonishing or instant lessons, centers, think sheets, worksheets, or activities may increase your risk of resource-borne disillusionment.
  2. We reserve the right to accept or deny any submission.  We will provide you with feedback if we deny your request.  All work created by Wolfe Stew belongs to Wolfe Stew.  We reserve all rights to it, and it will be copyrighted by Wolfe Stew.  Time sensitive requests are likely to be denied; we prefer crafting quality QUIZine and believe that takes time.  
Educational resources crafted to suit your taste palate.

To get an idea of the type of special orders we will fulfill for you, we're offering a sampling of a few we've previously prepared. 

Interested in submitting one of your own?  Go to this page and complete the form, or simply contact us via social media or email.

Request Number One: Elkonin Boxes

Submission Request: I need to work with my daughter on spelling words.  Her teacher suggested three color-coded boxes (green, yellow and red) to represent the beginning, middle and end sounds of her spelling words.  Using these boxes, she can move letter tiles to match the sound into the appropriate box.

Request Accepted and Completed:

In three varieties.

Request Number Two: Who Will Win? Variants

Submission Request: I’d like different versions of your Who Will Win? center covering long a, o, c and n in a Thanksgiving theme and l, g, u and h in a Christmas theme.

Request Accepted and Completed:

A center game for all seasons.
Thanksgiving Version Available Here
Christmas Version Available Here

Request Number Three: Read-a-Thon Craft Activities

Request Submitted: I need craft ideas for our read-a-thon…lower elementary and upper elementary.

Request Accepted and Completed:

Lower Elementary

Fluttering through First Grade Ideas (TPT pack costs $6; Ideas free)Mostly from Fluttering through First Grade, these activities support a Read-a-Thon for Kindergarten through 2nd grade.

  • Fluency building bookmarks - Students take turns reading to each other, compliment each other when finished, then sign each other’s bookmarks.  Would work for upper elementary too.
  • “Our Favorite Books” classroom book – compile individual student book recommendations (this links to a free book review printable with options that span primary to upper elementary) into one large classroom book.  Again, also applicable to upper elementary.  
  • Ten Apples Up on Top Hat Craft (free template) – use apples to record target skills (sight words; spelling words; part of speech words; character traits; story sequence; math fact practice etc.) then use them to decorate the hat, in a specific order (alphabetical, least to greatest, sequential) if applicable.

Make a bookworm craft

From The Spruce Crafts and Easy Peasy Fun

Ideas from Scholastic

Story stones, reading buddies and quilt of knowledge
  • Reading Buddies out of pipe cleaners Shape pipe cleaners into various animals and then keep them close while reading
  • Story Stones Paint stones with a favorite character, scene or object from a story they read
  • Quilt of Knowledge Each student decorates their own panel based on a story they read.  Then, combine them to make a classroom quilt.

Upper Elementary

Take One Book Recommendations (No printable, just a pic)

From mrsschureads via Instagram
  • Draws a picture to represent the book
  • Writes six-word summaries for interested students to tear off and take

Bookmark contest

  • Design a bookmark inspired by their favorite book
  • Submit for judging, or simply laminate and redistribute to original creator.
  • Hide golden tickets in rarely read books.
  • If a student discovers one, they (quietly) bring it to the teacher for a (secret) incentive.

  • Make a map of all the places around the classroom they want to read today.
  • Each time they settle down to read, settle down in a new spot.
  • Or change spots with each new book/chapter.

Magic Wand Bookmarks (Any Harry Potter fans out there?)

An idea from Scholastic

Reading Buddy Mini Book Recommendations A little buddy holds a tiny book featuring their recommendation.

You write a mini recommendation in a mini book - can it get any cuter?


Set a pages/books goal with thermometer to track
  • Students independently keep track of how many pages/books they read

o   On a punch card, writes number of pages in circles each time they finish a book or at designated times.

From Heather Cartwright

o   Records number of pages on a reading log each time they finish a book or at designated times.

Suggestions for primary, upper elementary and Dr. Seuss themed.
  • Teachers periodically (hourly, at natural transitions) record how many books/pages their class has read and record it on a classroom thermometer (with classroom goal set)
  •  Classroom numbers reported to principal who adds them to the schoolwide thermometer and announces progress throughout the day and reports end results at the end of the day.

A suggestion from Buzzing with Ms. B
  • The whole school reads designated books, then each student votes on their favorite.
  • Each teacher could read a different book and classes could rotate through classrooms.

Your Turn

If this inspired you to submit your own Made-to-Order QUIZine Request form, visit our Learning Lab (scroll to the bottom) to fill yours out, send us a message via social media or email us ( or  Looking forward to taste-testing some of your ideas!

At your service,
Offering Samplings of Life by a Husband and Wife

Interested in even more educational resources?  Then stop by our Learning Lab.  It's here where we store all the educational resources we've cooked up to date.


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