April - An Idea for Every Day Calendar - Week 2

With March ending, April planning begins. We're here to help. Find activities for the first week of April at this post and activities for the second week below. For daily reminders, follow us on Instagr am or Facebook . If you're craving even more ideas, check out our Pinterest board. If you want all the ideas for the entire month, download your April An Idea for Every Day Calendar here. April 5th - National Go for Broke Day You know that dream you've been putting on hold? That wish that you think will just never happen? The goal you never make time for? That hobby you want to more deeply pursue but fail to wade in? Well, friends, today's your day to jump in! That's right. Pick one activity, goal, or dream that calls to you and immerse yourself in it today. Spend all day fully living in it. Maybe after you do, you'll know whether you want to take it even further. April 6th - National Student ...