October 2020 Edition | An Idea for Every Day

(Updated 6/24/2022.)

I’m happy; it’s officially fall! Leaves are changing colors, some are even falling off trees, and it’s the season of soups and stews 😊, baking and pumpkin spice. That chill in the air and the smell of leaves awakens my spirit and soothes my soul. I’m soaking it all in.

All these signs hint at October’s arrival, and we’re here to help you prepare for it. With the changing of the seasons, we’re changing the style of delivery for our Idea for Every Day posts. In an effort to meet more of my blogging goals, we will return to posting the Idea for Every Day blogs to once a month, instead of the weekly ones we’ve been doing since March. I hope you’ll still find them helpful, and we’ll keep it pinned to the top of our blog for the entire month so you can quickly access it. 

If you’re here for the calendar (an efficient way to see every idea at a glance with clickable links), click here.

An Idea for Every October Day

Oh, and here's a blank October 2020 Calendar to make your own plans.

If, however, you’d rather scroll through, continue on! Or, use the hyperlinks below to quickly navigate to the date of your desire.

First, browse the ideas for the remaining September days.

Holidays with related learning activities for preschool to sixth grade
Buckingham Palace by Keith Ban via Pixabay, Love Note by Bru-No via Pixabay, Emergency Kit List from Ready.gov

Week One

Images of related preschool to sixth grade learning activities for related holidays
Book It, Bulletin Board via Pinterest and Halloween Cards from Red Ted Art

Week Two

Images of featured preschool to sixth grade learning activities for related holidays
Cinnamon Rolls/Tastes of Lizzy, Strong Kid/Ben White/Unsplash; Tag/Active for Life; Sparky/NFPA; Ugly Duckling/CC BY-NC-ND; Mad Hatter/CC BY-NC-ND; Yarn/Skeeze/Pixabay

Week Three

Images of preschool to sixth grade learning activities of related holidays
Raking Leaves/Peggy Choucair/Pixabay; Sausage Pizza/Baked by an Introvert; Slang Dictionary/Oliver Munday/NY Times; The Recess Queen/ CC BY-SA; Oscar the Grouch/CC BY-NC-ND

  • Sausage Pizza Day (10.11.20)
    • Order a sausage pizza 
    • Or, prepare your own with the help of Baked by an Introvert
  • Columbus Day (10.12.20)
  • International Day for Failure (10.13.20)
  • Stop Bullying Day (10.14.20)
    • Stand up to bullying with these ideas from Very Well Family.
    • Read books to open up a conversation about bullying.
      • Preschool to Second Grade The Recess Queen by Alexis O'Neill, Illustrated by Laura Hulisk-Beith (links to a YouTube read aloud by Mrs. Britton's Book Nook)
      • Third and Fourth Grade Bully by Patricia Polacco (links to a YouTube read aloud by JShortt2004)
      • Fifth and Sixth Grade The Bully Book by Eric Kahn Gale (links to a review on Fantastic Fiction)
      • Seventh and Up Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher (links to the book's website)
  • Grouch Day (10.15.20)
    • Preschool to First Grade Listen to Oscar sing "I'm Sad Because I'm Happy" in this YouTube video posted by Sesame Street
    • Second to Third Grade Finish the statement "I'm a grouch when..." on this Oscar craft from DLTK
    • Fourth to Fifth Grade Challenge your "stinkin' thinkin'" with I Don't Stink. (We especially like the "Hey SMELL This!" exercise.)
    • Sixth Grade and Up Be a positivity ambassador by learning these affirmations that counteract negative thinking and speaking to themselves and to others when they experience negative thinking. One of our favorites: "I matter, and what I have to offer this world also matters."
  • Dictionary Day (10.16.20)
    • Preschool to First Grade Make (with Teach Mama) or read alphabet books (list from Fantastic Fun and Learning). A book we'd pick: Apples A to Z by Margaret McNamara, Illustrated by Jake Parker
    • Second to Third Grade Play dictionary games with Minds in Bloom. We like the speed word search game.
    • Fourth to Fifth Grade Write a dictionary entry about yourself with the help of The Owl Teacher.
    • Sixth Grade Explore slang with this NY Times activity by Amanda Christy Brown and Holly Epstein Ojalvo. 
  • Sweetest Day (10.17.20) - Surprise somebody by doing something especially sweet for them today.

Week Four

Images for preschool to sixth grade learning activities related to daily holidays
Chocolate Cupcakes/Life, Love and Sugar; Confident Kid/Raw Pixel; Dinosaur/DK Find Out; Swallows/Mission San Juan Capistrano; The Day the Crayons Quit/CC BY-SA-NC; The Secret Garden/ CC BY-SA-NC

Week Five

Images of preschool to sixth grade learning activities for related holidays
Spatzle/Word Ridden/Flikr; Pumpkin/suju/Pixabay; Candy Corn Catapult/Jennifer Findley; Pete the Cat/The Educator's Spin on It; Monster/CC BY-NC-ND

  • World Pasta Day (10.25.20)
  • Pumpkin Day (10.26.20)
    • Preschool to Second Grade Read Little Boo by Stephen Wunderli, illustrated by Tim Zeltner (YouTube read aloud by Molly Angela) and complete a pumpkin life cycle activity.
      • Preschool and Kindergarten Pumpkin Printable Pack including a life cycle emergent reader from Mrs. Thompson's Treasures
      • First and Second Grade Color, cut, glue pumpkin life cycle book from Twisty Noodle.
    • Third through Fifth Grade lessons from The Ag Classroom. We'd choose the pumpkin processing activity for our learners. Don't miss the recommended YouTube video Libby's 100% Pure Pumpkin from farm to can.
    • Sixth Grade ideas from Education World. Our favorite idea - brainstorming more uses for pumpkins.
  • Navy Day (10.27.20)
    • Make a sailor hat (with DLTK) or submarine (with Simple Mom Project).
    • Learn about the Navy in an:
      • article (from Kids Britannica)
      • book (U.S. Navy Alphabet Book by Sammie Garnett, Jerry Pallotta and Rob Bolster via YouTube read aloud by Read to Me) or 
      • video (Navy SEALs for Kids via YouTube courtesy of Bedtime History)..
  • Statue of Liberty Dedication Day (10.28.20) 
  • National Cat Day (10.29.20)
    • Preschool to First Grade Pete the Cat by Eric Litwin activities collected by We Are Teachers. The one we'd choose is the hat craft and movement game by The Educators Spin in on It.
    • Second to Third Grade Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss activities collected by The Teachers Corner. From the included activities, we like the "New Hat" one the most.
    • Fourth to Fifth Grade Big Cats in Captivity lesson plan by National Geographic
    • Sixth and Beyond How Cats Conquered the World article with included discussion guide and teacher's toolkit by National Geographic
  • Candy Corn Day  (10.30.20)
  • Halloween (10.31.20)
    • Preschool to Second Grade "Walk on the Witch" with Teacher Version. It's a Halloween version of Musical Chairs. 
    • Third to Sixth Grade 
      • Create "Creature Recipes" with Teacher Vision.
        • Craft a creature.
        • Draft a recipe.
      • Have "Halloween Conversations" with Teacher Vision. Keep your candy by not saying the "Halloween words" during a group discussion.
That's a wrap, folks! October ideas for every day for you. We'd love to know which activities your learners loved as well as different activities you look forward to doing every October. Stay posted for our November ideas for every day; you should see it toward the end of October. And, consider subscribing, then you won't miss it!  Here's to hoping you find pockets of JOY in every October day. 

At Your Service,
Raising Littles from Learners to Leaders

Interested in even more educational resources?  Then stop by our Learning Lab.  It's here where we store all the educational resources we've cooked up to date.


  1. These are such lovely ideas. I love Autumn too, a pretty month

    1. Thank you so much! Autumn really is pretty, in so many ways. Happy to connect with a fellow appreciator.


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Thank you for adding your flavor to the stew.

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