September Week 2 | An Idea for Every Day

(Updated 8.31.2023) 

Welcome, Leaders, to Wolfe Stew! We’re SO glad you are here.

Have you already started your school year? Does it look different from last school year? Whether it’s the same or different, we’re hoping it’s going smoothly and please know we’re here to help in any way we can.

One of the ways we hope to help is through weekly offerings of engaging activities that complement daily holidays for Preschool to Sixth grade learners. Use them as a break from the usual routine, choose activities that fit in with what you’re already learning, or incentivize them as earned activities – carefully selecting ones you know your learners will love. However you use them, we sincerely hope they add a piece of JOY into every day.

Here’s a glance at our featured activities for the week of September 6 to September 12 (click the link for more details regarding the selected day).

  1. Read a Book Day (September 6th Annually) – What are you reading?
  2. Labor Day (September's First Monday) – Take a break!
  3. Pledge of Allegiance Day (September 8th Annually) – SOCIAL STUDIES (citizenship, U.S. History); WRITING (classroom pledge); MANAGEMENT (sense of belonging)
  4. Teddy Bear Day (September 9th Annually) - COMMUNICATING (show-and-tell, letter writing); U.S. HISTORY (Teddy Bear origin); ART (Teddy Bear representation creation)
  5. Swap Ideas Day (September 10th Annually) - MANAGEMENT (team-building, collaboration); SEL (understanding differing perspectives); WRITING (free choice, collaborative); ART (drawing, collaborative)
  6. Patriot Day (September 11th Annually) - U.S. HISTORY (9/11, impact); ART (following directions, painting); RESEARCH (notebooking on 9/11); WRITING (taking notes, writing reflections)
  7. Day of Encouragement (September 12th Annually) - Let's build one another up!

            Here, at Wolfe Stew, we believe in options. So, we’re plating our ideas in a variety of ways for you. Choose the idea delivery service that best meets your needs from the following menu.

            Learning ideas for every September Day.
            Download your copy today!

            And now, without further ado, check out these ideas we've been stewing on for you.

            September 6th Annually - Read a Book Day

            What book will you read?
            Read a book image by Andy Kuzma via Pexels

            Reading is one of our favorite past times and we’re always looking for good recommendations. We’ve only recently joined the Goodreads community. It’s helpful because you can keep track of books you read and it recommends future books based on your ratings or reader reviews. Additionally, you can connect with other readers and authors.

            On Read a Book Day, I’m going to read Mansfield Park by Jane Austen. What book will you read?

            September's First Monday – Labor Day

            Honor those who contribute, economically and socially.
            Patriotic sunglasses image by Oleg Magni via Pexels

            This is a day to celebrate the workers that contribute to the social and economic achievements of our country. A day to celebrate your efforts and labor. Perhaps you might choose to do so by returning to the carefree joys of summer. Remember when you were a child and summer came with little to no responsibility? Spend your day that way. Pay homage to all your favorite summertime activities. Do what you want, releasing yourself from all obligations.

             During the summer, we tend to spend our time traveling to visit family or national landmarks, planning for the next school year, taking as many walks as possible, and we always try to get at least one camping trip in.  What about you? What is your favorite summertime activity? Let us know in the comments below!

            September 8th Annually – Pledge of Allegiance Day

            Learning activities for preschool to sixth grade learners.
            American Flags image by Jakob Owens via Unsplash

            A pledge of allegiance is a solemn promise to remain loyal to a group or cause. Too often we mindlessly utter the words in our country’s Pledge of Allegiance, and don’t really consider what we’re saying. The pledge is meant to unify United States' citizens. The rallying cry suggests we’re all in this together: I’ll support you, you’ll support me, and together, we’ll make a better America. At least that’s what I think every time I say it. I pledge to do my best to make America better, to be a good citizen, respectful of the people and environment around me, to work to unite with others. What can you pledge to do today to be a better citizen for America? We think teaching your learners about the pledge is a great place to start and have stewed on ideas just for you!

            Start Pledge of Allegiance learning by saying the pledge with your classmates. If you’re looking for a video to help, we like this one from Little Story Bug (via YouTube). Not only is the pledge recited, but the words are also included.

            Now familiar with the words, it would be interesting to know the history. At, I learned that the words of The Pledge of Allegiance and recitation expectations changed over time. Using Red Skelton's video explanation or Flags of Valor's written explanation, discuss with your learners why a country would have a pledge, what the words of The Pledge mean, and why it might change over time.

            Finally, consider adopting or writing your own classroom pledge. If you want to adopt one, we like the school pledge options available at Education World. One of our favorites is this quote from Mahatma Gandhi:

            “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”

            Did you write your own pledge? If so, we’d love to read it! Shoot us an email ( or

            September 9th Annually – Teddy Bear Day

            Related learning activities for Preschool to Sixth Grade
            Aviation Teddy Bear image by Barret Ward via Unsplash

            Did you ever have a favorite teddy bear? I did not. But I still vividly remember celebrating Teddy Bear Day when I was in first grade. My mom made me a teddy bear shaped peanut butter and jelly sandwich. She even put circle sprinkles on for eyes. It definitely made an impression. Make this kind of memory with your learners as you celebrate Teddy Bear Day with these stewed-upon activities.

            For your Preschool to Second Grade learners, celebrate Teddy Bear Day by bringing a stuffed friend to school and sharing its story. Consider incorporating letter writing by writing a letter to your favorite stuffed friend using the letter writing templates from Letter Writing Day (featured in last week’s ideas for every day).

            But how do you celebrate Teddy Bear Day with Third to Sixth Graders? Well, they do have an interesting history. Read about the teddy bear’s history at the National Park Services’ website. Then, have your learners design their own teddy bear that represents themselves, a favorite character, or historical figure with this coloring page from Super Coloring.

            What was your favorite part of teddy bear day? What do you think your learner’s memory will be years from now?

            September 10th Annually – Swap Ideas Day

            Learning activities for Preschool to Sixth Grade
            Ideas image by Kelly Sikkema via Unsplash

            I strongly believe that every person has an important idea to contribute to any conversation, if only you listen close enough. Swap Ideas Day provides the opportunity for learners to practice listening and considering others’ ideas, perhaps even by engaging in this activity we’ve stewed on for you.

            Have all learners begin writing a story (or drawing a picture). Then, after a few minutes, have them swap with a partner.  Each partner finishes the other’s story (picture). Once finished, debrief. How did the collaborations go? What challenges did you face and overcome? When your original product returned to you, what did you notice? In what way did your partner see your story (picture) differently than you? When we do the activity again, what will you do differently?

            Sometimes it's hard to swap ideas, especially when we're attached to our own. However, activities such as this one are good experiences to stretch our own thinking and try to understand different perspectives. When we master this skill, we realize other people's ideas improve our own.

            September 11th Annually – Patriot Day

            Related learning activities for Preschool to Sixth Grade
            American Flag image by David Beale via Unsplash

            Likely, leaders, vivid images of planes impacting the Twin Towers surface when you think of Patriot Day. We pledged that day we would always remember. The problem is - your learners don’t. We’ve stewed on resources to help you teach them about the day so they might understand why we’ll always remember.

            A tasteful and child-friendly slideshow presentation exists to briefly explain the events of 9/11 to your Preschool to Second Grade Learners courtesy of Jason Smith via Teachers Pay Teachers. It explains both the events, the impact felt nationwide, and ways we might continue to remember today.

            After learning the history, have your learners craft a handprint flag (from B-Inspired Mama) so they will never forget. All you’ll need for the craft is paint, paintbrushes, light blue and red paper, a white paint marker and the instructions at B-inspired Mama. We think your learners are sure to feel the mark on history with this activity.

            If you’re ready to dive deeper with your Third to Sixth Grade learners, then we think you’ll appreciate these September 11 notebooking pages from Cynce’s Place. Pick and choose from her wide variety of September 11 related notebooking pages. You’ll find a page featuring President Bush’s speech, but mostly it’s picture prompts with lines for your learner to use to write notes and reflections in both color and black and white options. As a resource site, we recommend 911 Memorial’s website. Use the search function to quickly find related articles to read and watch your learner’s pencil fly as they complete the notebooking pages.

            United we stand – leaders and learners – to make a better, stronger, unforgettable America.

            September 12th Annually – Day of Encouragement

            Let's build each other up!
            You Got This image by Sydney Rae via Unsplash

            “A word of encouragement during failure is worth more than an hour of praise after success.”

            We all fall down, but falling down is not the end of us. In many cases, falling down leads to new beginnings, a different approach and often the drive to persevere. When you see another fall, you’re given an opportunity to help them rise stronger by offering an encouraging word. Of course, you don’t have to wait for a fall either, encouragement is always welcome.

            We suggest you propose an encouragement challenge with your family. How many ways can you offer encouragement today?

            What’s your best tip for encouraging others? What words help you get back up and return to the battlefield?

            Before you Go

            We'd love to know...
            1. Do you use a pledge with your learners? If so, how does it go?
            2. Which of these daily activities most interests you?
            Once again, leaders, we cannot express how thankful we are that you chose to spend part of your day with us. We’re wishing you a week full of encouragement and JOY in every day.


            At Your Service,

            Raising littles from learners to leaders.

            Interested in even more educational resources?  Then stop by our Learning Lab.  It's here where we store all the educational resources we've cooked up to date.


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