Showing posts from November, 2020
December 2020 | Ideas for Every Day
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(Updated 12.16.2022) Welcome Leaders! How are you? While normally this time of year is tough for teachers, (see our post, " You’re NEVER Alone ," if you feel this) we all know 2020 is NOTHING like normal ; it’s like we’ve reached another level of “toughness” this year. Our school district got moved back to remote learning until AT LEAST through Christmas break. If this is you too - or perhaps you’ve been remote, or perhaps you're in-person or living in the thick of it through homeschool - whatever your situation is, I think we can all agree: this year’s been TOUGH! I think we’re all trying to make it through to a break so we might just breathe and remember what that feels like again for awhile - to just breathe. Well, as November draws to a close, we hope to breathe some joy into your daily routine with our December calendar. We pair daily holidays with learning activities for Preschool to Sixth grade learners across multiple subject areas so that you have an idea fo...
Z is for Zebra | ABC Nature Walk
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Z is for Zebra was filmed in Cheyenne Mountain Zoo . I really liked how these two zebras walked together. Their stripes are amazing, and I just loved watching them. This is intended for Preschool and Kindergarten to enhance their learning of the alphabet. Sample these related posts: To stay at the zoo, watch " E is for Eagle "... or " L is for Lemur ". To think about camouflage, watch " T is for Tortoise "... or " C is for Crab ". To meet " The Big Five" animals of Africa . Discover more ABC Nature Walk videos at Mr. Wolfe's Kinder Garden .
10 Days of God-Centered Thankfulness | Faith Food
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(Updated 11/11/2022) Thanksgiving - the time of year that gets ignored. It’s the half aisle hidden between monsters and elves - but it’s my favorite. In defending my preferences, I notice I lean on the side of the forgotten. But that’s okay. I’ll defend Thanksgiving to my dying day. Here's the list of this year's Thanksgiving offerings (click the link to jump right to it): A 10 Day Thanksgiving Devotional - A personal invitation to reflect daily on offering thanksgiving to our King. Thankfulness in a Box - An activity for groups or individuals in secular or Christian settings. Thanksgiving Themed Classroom Ideas - Fill your Preschool to Sixth grade plan book here. A "Give Thanks" Thanksgiving Challenge - Last year's challenge from the cooks in the Wolfe Stew kitchen. Ten Days of God-Centered Thankfulness Click Here for Your Copy When trying to decide how best to honor Thanksgiving this year, my answer was a devotional. Really, it is more of an opportun...
L is for Lemur | ABC Nature Walk
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L is for Lemur was filmed at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. These guys were really interesting to watch. They moved gracefully among the group. Their long tails were crazy to watch, and were always sticking straight up. I think the one that moved around a lot was the leader. They were actually on a cliff-like island above a lagoon. The lagoon had some other animals in it. You'll see those soon!
E is for Eagle | ABC Nature Walk
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This video was taken at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. We love to go there and see all the animals. This eagle is very majestic. I like having such an up close look at the eagle. You can see that its eyes were made for seeing far distances. That beak looks fierce and can probably eat fish easily. I felt sad for the eagle. It can no longer fly, but at least the zoo is taking care of him. Sample these related posts: For more "E" walks, watch " E is for Erosion "... ...or " E is for Elk ". To see more birds, watch " G is for Geese "... or " B is for Blue Jay ". To go on another walk at the zoo, watch " Z is for Zebra ". Discover more ABC Nature Walk videos at Mr. Wolfe's Kinder Garden .
Family Banana Baking Traditions | Our Kitchen
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Welcome, friends, to our kitchen! We’re so glad you’re here. Pull up a chair and make yourself comfortable. Today we’re going to bake some banana cookies while we chat about it. We know everyone’s tastes are different, and we want to hear about yours. So, feel free to join in on the conversation by commenting at the end of the post, catching up with us on social media, or shooting us an email ( or ). Afterall, a stew is only as good as it’s components and we value what you have to add to it. If you just want to get the recipe, run to your kitchen and make it, then chat with us about it later: it’s right here . Enjoy, and happy baking. But, if you’re content to stick around, we’re content to chat about it. (Although you might want to check out “the things you might like to know” section below.) When given the choice of fruit to eat, do bananas make the list? Among those in our household, bananas are a favorite only of mine. Inevitably...
M is for Mountain Goat | ABC Nature Walk
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This Mountain Goat and her baby were filmed in Glacier National Park. There are cliffs right near where we found these two. There were some other mountain goats up on those cliffs. It is amazing how much they can climb. The mom and baby were down near the bushes and grasses to feed. I enjoyed watching them be a family and seeing how protective momma was of baby.