March 2021 | An Idea for EVERY Day

(Updated 3.23.2023)

Welcome back, leaders! It’s nearly March, which means spring is right around the corner. To help you prepare for March with your learners, we’ve stewed on ideas for EVERY day for you. After selecting daily holidays, we surfed the web to pair them with free educational or family activities for you.

This month, we’re providing the calendar with links to all daily ideas AND a selection of five we review for you. That way, if you only want a few to do, we’ve done some choosing for you.

First, here’s March’s “Idea for EVERY Day” Calendar. Browse it, click on a few links, jot a note (or two) of what you want to do, print it as a visual reminder, bookmark it to come back to later, keep it wherever you plan. Then, when you’re wondering, “Hey, what fun (different, engaging, relevant) thing could I do today?” Take a glance and consider what we’ve stewed on for you.

Here’s your 2021 March Idea for EVERY Day Calendar. (The top version is scrollable and clickable; the bottom is only a graphic).

National Days with elementary educational and family activities for every March day.

Here’s your BLANK 2021 March Calendar, with your choice of Bible verses or inspirational quotes. We’ve cleared off our ideas to make room for yours. Consider printing out and making note of what you want to do and when you want to do it while exploring the March Idea for EVERY Day calendar.

Blank March 2021 Calendar with shamrock background, yellow dates, and a Bible verse.
BLANK March 2021 Calendar - Bible Verse or Inspirational Quote Edition

And here are the FIVE ideas we chose to feature this March. Feel free to do them whenever they fit into your schedule; ideas never expire.

National Grammar Day – Thursday, March 4, 2021

A day to celebrate grammar may not sound exciting to you, but with these activities we hope we might change your mind. Have your Preschoolers to First graders connect grammar, kinesthetics, and following directions with this Red Light, Green Light: Nouns and Verbs from Hands on as we Grow. Consider the following modifications:

  1. For additional support, play with them until they get the hang of it, making sure to explain how you know it’s a noun or a verb.
  2. To kick it up a notch, have them choose the nouns and verbs – perhaps even from books they are reading.

Read your Second or Third graders one of these  picture books about grammar and conventions from this list by Learning at the Primary Pond. From the list, we would pick the following books (linked to YouTube read alouds). Remember, there are even more recommendations at Learning at the Primary Pond.

While you could play Red Light, Green Light or read a picture book with your Fourth to Sixth Graders, we’re betting they would rather play a game of Grammar Taboo, an idea described and resourced at 123 Homeschool for Me. Talk about reviewing grammar in an engaging, appropriately challenging way. Scroll ALL THE WAY DOWN to find the free printable. Along the way, notice additional resources for grammar practice. To modify:

  1. For additional support, work together to make a list of each category before playing. Then, allow clue givers to use it as a reference during game play.
  2. As a challenge, make all clues start with the same letter, make certain beginning sounds taboo, mandate all clues relate to a certain theme, or allow no repetition.

National Good Samaritan Day – Saturday, March 13, 2021

We know the common meaning of “Good Samaritan” is making a positive impact on your community or doing good for others – usually at a cost to ourselves. For culturally relevant ways to be a “Good Samaritan,” Ingredients of Outliers compiled a list for you. There, you’ll also find the motivation behind the creation of Good Samaritan Day. But we suggest, and encourage you, to delve deeper and learn more about the original “Good Samaritan” today. This is an activity you might do alone or with your learner.

To learn about the original “Good Samaritan,” you will study the Bible story. Head to Bible Gateway to read it in different versions or look it up in your own Bible at Luke 10:25-37. Perhaps, even consider reading a cultural perspective of the parable from For kid-friendly versions, we like this McGee and Me video (via YouTube), this drawn video from Life Kids (via YouTube) or this lesson - complete with a printable story and additional activities - from True Way Kids.

What did you discover? What did you learn about the original “Good Samaritan?” How does the original “Good Samaritan” compare to our current definition of “Good Samaritan?” What’s the same? What’s different?

Based on the Bible parable, decide (together or alone) what being a “Good Samaritan” means to you and how you can be one to others.


Absolutely Incredible Kid Day – Thursday, March 18, 2021

Write a letter telling a kid how absolutely incredible they are. Take a pledge to write the letter and find resources to help you accomplish your task at Here’s a list of the free resources they offer:

Everyone needs encouragement, and today provides you the opportunity to offer encouragement to an absolutely incredible kid in your life. So, clear out some time, pick up a pen, and write that letter. We know the little(s) in your life will be so grateful that you did!


National Ag Day – Tuesday, March 23, 2021

In times of old, many of us would be in the ag industry, in one way or another. Today, many of our children only know that food comes from the store. Teach them more. Encourage them to learn about agriculture.

Have your Preschool to First Graders watch "Where Does Our Food Come From" by Kids vs. Life via YouTube. Then, use a store circular to sort whether the food came from plants, animals, or both.

Your Second and Third Graders will love growing this Hydroponic Garden with Epic Gardening. Using a 2-liter bottle, your learner will learn to grow leafy vegetables hydroponically!

Let your Fourth to Sixth Graders dig into a topic of environmental impact: Composting. Using WilderDad's "Composting for Kids" article, have your older learners create a presentation to teach younger learners how to compost.


National Crayon Day – Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Colorful, useful, and transportable, crayons are a prevalent medium in childhood art. It is hard for me to imagine an elementary learning space without them. And, the beauty of crayons, is that you are never too old for them (unless you decide you are). For crayon day, we recommend you first learn about how crayons are made with Mister Rogers (YouTube video uploaded by MNGymnast). Then, make a crayon etching (with KinderArt) or crafts (with Hands on As We Grow) with all those broken crayons you have stashed around your house.

My nephew and I made these melty crayon rocks from Fakin’ It, last year while he was schooled virtually during the pandemic. He loved it! And, as a bonus, it is a really easy craft. Just be forewarned: it may result in a yard full of colorful rocks.


Before You Go, We’d Love to Know

  1. When you think of the month of March, what’s the first thing that comes to mind?
  2. What activity must you do before March passes you by?

That wraps up this month’s “Ideas for Every Day” with our five featured activities. We’ll return toward the end of March for our ideas for EVERY April day (or subscribe to get our ideas delivered directly to your inbox). We now leave while hoping you find the JOY in every day.

At Your Service,

Seasoning life with a Christian husband and wife.

Interested in even more educational resources?  Then stop by our Learning Lab.  It's here where we store all the educational resources we've cooked up to date.


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