July 2021 | Ideas for Every Day

(Updated 6/2/2022)

July looms leaders. I imagine you’re knee-deep into summertime activities. Does anyone else feel like the summer is their busiest time of the year too?

To aid you in your summertime activities, we’ve fashioned a calendar with ideas for every day. We've paired daily holidays with learning and family activities to help you find the JOY in every day. To use it:

  1. Glance it over, 
  2. Click the links that interest you, 
  3. Let the learning begin!

(or download your printable calendar here). 

And now, 

It is for FREEDOM that Christ has set us free.
Get your BLANK July 2021 calendar featuring this Bible verse.

Where liberty dwells, there is my country with fireworks in the background.
Get your BLANK July 2021 calendar featuring this quote.

Our Favorite Five July 2021 Activities

1.      U.S. Postage Stamp Day – Thursday, July 1, 2021

U.S. Postage Stamp Day is an easy choice for me because my father collects postage stamps. Furthermore, they are tiny, vibrant pictures that tell stories of our history.

With learners of all ages:

And now, I leave you with a riddle: “What travels all over the world but never leaves the corner?” Answer in the comments.

2.      Independence Day – Sunday, July 4, 2021

Each Independence Day we gather, have a barbeque, and watch fireworks. Sometimes, we travel to my parents' house and sometimes we stay at home. This year, one of my brothers crafted a timed firework launcher. I cannot wait to hear how it works out for him. As far as food is concerned, I typically try to feature at least one dish showcasing red, white, and blue. A personal favorite: strawberries and blueberries with white chocolate pretzels. What about you? If you are looking to spruce up your festivities this fourth, consider some of the following ideas:

Every Fourth of July reminds me what it means to be an American, fills me with pride in our country, and encourages me to connect more with my fellow Americans. What about you? What emotions does Fourth of July bring forth for you?

3.      Give Something Away Day – Thursday, July 15, 2021

We really are blessed. Look around. Take in just how much you do have and count your blessings. Now, choose something you know someone else needs but you could do without, and give it away. Encourage everyone in your house to do the same thing.


4.      Gorgeous Grandma Day – Friday, July 23, 2021

I love this idea of Gorgeous Grandma Day. It seems like people in general and women specifically are rated on their outward appearance. The reality is: there is beauty in all of us, if you take the time to see it. Remind a Gorgeous Grandma in your life just how beautiful she is when you:

If we were brag about our Gorgeous Grandmas’ talents, the Mr. would describe her tenacity, while the Mrs. would honor her creativity. What talent does your Gorgeous Grandma have? Give your Gorgeous Grandma a shoutout in the comments below.

5.      Waterpark Day – Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Waterparks were the paradise of summer when I was a kid. What about you? Your littles? Do they love waterparks too? While waterparks are fun, the reality is, they are EXPENSIVE. So, instead of shelling out the money today, have waterpark fun in a different kind of way.

Before You Go, We’d Love to Know:

  1. Using one word, describe your ideal Fourth of July.
  2. What’s one summertime activity you look forward to every year?

We hope your summer is off to a great start and that these ideas inspire you to find even more JOY in every day. May sunshine fill your heart as it also fills the sky.


At your service,

Seasoning life with a Christian husband and wife.

Interested in even more educational resources?  Then stop by our Learning Lab.  It's here where we store all the educational resources we've cooked up to date.

July Ideas from 2020

July 2020 - Week One

  1.  U.S. Postage Stamp Day (7.1.2021)
  2. I Forgot Day (7.2.2021)
  3. Compliment Your Mirror Day (7.3.2021)
  4. Independence Day (7.4.2021)

July 2020 – Week Two

  1. Apple Turnover Day (7.5.2021)
  2. International Kissing Day (7.6.2021)
  3. Macaroni Day (7.7.2021)
  4. Freezer Pop Day (7.8.2021)
  5. Call of the Horizon Day (7.9.2021)
  6. Kitten Day (7.10.2021)
  7. Blueberry Muffin Day (7.11.2021)

July 2020 – Week Three

  1. Simplicity Day (7.12.2021)
  2. International Town Crier Day (7.12.2021)
  3. Cow Appreciation Day (7.13.2021)
  4. Give Something Away Day (7.15.2021)
  5. World Snake Day (7.16.2021)
  6. World Emoji Day (7.17.2021)
  7. World Listening Day (7.18.2021)

July 2020 – Week Four

  1. Ice Cream Day (7.18.2021)
  2. Moon Day (7.20.2021)
  3. Junk Food Day (7.21.2021)
  4. Hammock Day (7.22.2021)
  5. Gorgeous Grandma Day (7.23.2021)
  6. Amelia Earhart Day (7.24.2021)
  7. Merry-Go-Round Day (7.25.2021)

July 2020 – Week Five

  1. Aunt & Uncle’s Day (7.26.2021)
  2. Bagpipe Appreciation Day (7.27.2021)
  3. Waterpark Day (7.28.2021)
  4. Rain Day (7.29.2021)
  5. International Day of Friendship (7.30.2021)
  6. World Ranger Day (7.31.2021)


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