Independence Day | JOY for Today

(Updated 6/22/2023) In this country, we take freedom seriously. It's synonymous with the United States of America. But what is freedom? Freedom, exercised properly, brings great JOY. This Independence Day, we ask you to consider that freedom comes with responsibility. Our forefathers labored to create a land free from oppression and tyranny . Are you choosing to live a life in service to freedom for others or are you chained to selfishness? July 4th Annually Independence Day Choices: Did You Know... Five we didn't. Wolfe Stew Connects Our country's origins. Bible Verses and Quotes About freedom. Activity Suggestions Fireworks, crafts, history, questions, books, and family challenge. UPCOMING HOLIDAYS Give Something Away Day ( July 15th Annually ) National Ice Cream Day ( July's Third Sunday ) National Parents Day ( July's Fourth Sunday ) Did You Know: We have John Adams to thank for our firework tradition? His vision of Fourth of July celebrations wri...