October 2022 Calendars | Printable: Blank, Holidays, and Personal Growth

A deep sense of thankfulness, joy, and satisfaction describes my current mood. Fall is near, Friends! The changing leaves remind me change can be beautiful, we're all equipped to deal with it, and it is never too late to make one. 

Are there any changes you need to make in your routine, Leader? Something that could add more joy, love, or thankfulness? Please know, we are cheering you on as you make that change and hope it brings the intended results. If it does not - do not despair! There is still JOY to be found and our constant prayer is that you find it in every day.

Here's what we're offering on the October 2022 Wolfe Stew menu:

October 2022 Ideas for EVERY Day 

Also, consider sampling our JOY for Today posts, where we celebrate selected days throughout the year by offering facts, connections, scripture, quotes, and activity suggestions. Check out our three most recent JOY for Today posts:

October 2022 Growth for Today Calendar

This "Growth for Today" calendar is new for 2022! All of us are "works in progress" and we believe God-centered growth is essential to life. In 2022 we're committing to the faith fight by using these calendars with daily activities to focus on a monthly theme. Throughout the year we're hoping to grow stronger in defining what we believe in and in learning how to effectively fight for it. October is about remembering.

Download your October 2022 GROWTH for Today calendar here.

October's Theme

  • Theme: Remember.
  • GoalRemember you are a victor, God is good, and Satan is under your feet. 

Weekly Tasks

The activities are designed to be short, but impactful. Throughout the year, we hope you refine what you believe in, solidify what you are willing to stand for, and grow in courage to fight your battles. Know you're not alone; we are in it with you!

BLANK 2022 Calendar

These blank calendars are yours to use as you please: for planning, scheduling, goal-tracking, or our monthly challenge (see below). You have your choice of monthly Bible verses or inspirational quotes

Octobers 2022's challenge: Remember and record past triumphs daily.

A foot steps on autumn leaves in the background, foreground features an October 2022 calendar featuring a black and brown color scheme
Download Your 2022 Faith Fight Calendar

A sunset with a Roman warrior in the foreground. October 2022 calendar over it all in black and brown color scheme
Download Your 2022 Inspirational Fight Calendar

October 2022 Inspiration

"And maybe I was blind, but now I see / Maybe I was bound, but now I'm free / Maybe you need reminding you're under my feet." - Zach Williams "Under My Feet"

"And I don't really care if nobody else believes / Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me." Rachel Platten "Fight Song"


Remembering who and Who's we are, where we've come from, and where we're going is important to our victory strategy. We must make it a habit to remember our identity, the goodness of God, and His victory. We've grown a lot this year, Warrior, but our journey is not over; there is still a fight to fight. Doubt will creep in. Temptation will knock. Hard times will come. Arm yourself by remembering to put on righteousness - the war is already won! Our prayer this month is that you are strengthened by remembering your position, your redemption, your freedom, your victory through Christ, and your power over fear. 

Fighting the Good Fight with You, 
Red bowl with gray steam rising from top, Wolfe Stew written on front of bowl.

Are you interested in browsing archived calendars? If so, find them all on our JOY for Today page.


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