March 2023 Calendars | Blank, Holidays, and Personal Growth

Move, keep [Marchin']. Soldier keep movin' on! 

That song, "Move, (Keep Walkin')," by Toby Mac, is one that often inspires me to keep going, which is exactly what we need this time of year. Spring Break is around the corner and your learners know it! What's more, you're also thinking about state testing, end of year evaluations, job security, and prep for the upcoming year. It's a lot, Leaders, but we know you have what it takes to make it through. Keep marching! Step-by-step. Before you know it, you will be at the end.

What is your best advice to keep going even when it's tough, Leader? For us, it's making sure we take time to be honest with our feelings and address them. To focus on what is in front of us right now and let the future take care of itself. Be faithful in today and trust God for tomorrow, that's our marching cadence. We're praying for your endurance this month, Leaders!

Here's what we're offering on the March 2023 Wolfe Stew menu:

March 2023 Ideas for EVERY Day

Also, consider sampling our JOY for Today posts, where we celebrate selected days throughout the year by offering facts, connections, scripture, quotes, and activity suggestions. Check out our three most recent JOY for Today posts:

March 2023 Growth for Today Calendar

Join us in 2023 as we study the Proverbs 31 woman. Men, before you run away, we know this applies to you too. We will analyze each verse from several perspectives: what it means for women and men separately, then together as His church, and finally what it teaches us about God. But first, we will dig into the meaning and cultural perspectives. Twenty-two verses in 365 days. We are taking it slow but digging deep. Through this study, our prayer is that we better understand how to wisely interact with each other and God. If this sounds like a growth opportunity for you, we would love to have you join us. Just download the calendar (or bookmark this page) and jump in at any time. In March, we are learning what it means to be RESPECTFUL.

We will post our Wolfe Notes weekly as a glimpse into our growth journey or as an opportunity to "catch up" on any days missed.

Download your March 2023 GROWTH for Today calendar here.

March's Focus

  • Trait: Respectful
  • Verses: Proverbs 31:12 and 28

Weekly Overview

  • Week One: Defining respectful & introducing Proverbs 31:12.
  • Week Two: Studying and interpreting Proverbs 31:12.
  • Week Three: Connecting with Proverbs 31:12 and introducing Proverbs 31:28
  • Week Four: Studying and interpreting Proverbs 31:28.
  • Week Five: Connecting the two verses, refine our respectful perspective, and reflect.
We provide the structure and some resources we found interesting but encourage you to go where the Holy Spirit leads. Ask questions, wrestle. Struggling through scripture with God shows our desire to learn. He promises to give us wisdom if we ask; so, ask (James 1:5). Seek and find. Keep your mind open to the Holy Spirit's leading and prepare to be remade. We're being remade right along with you!

Last year, our March goal was to seize opportunities to RESTART in your fight to a better you. 

March 2023 Calendar

These blank calendars are yours to use as you please: for planning, scheduling, goal-tracking, or our monthly challenge (see below). You have your choice of monthly Bible verses or inspirational quotes

March 2023's challenge: Write a unique way to show respect each day.

A couple leans into each other in the middle of a wheat field, cloudy skies above, March 2023 calendar in foreground
Download your Proverbs 31 Inspired 2023 Calendar

A green shamrock background with March 2023 calendar overlay
Download your Kid-Friendly 2023 Calendar with Inspirational Quotes

Leaders, life is tough! Try to remember that everyone is fighting their own battle. Let's learn to respect each other in our struggles. We are praying for your endurance and a renewed sense of purpose as you continue your March!

Growing with You,
Red bowl with gray steam rising from top, Wolfe Stew written on front of bowl.

Are you interested in browsing archived calendars? If so, find them all on our JOY for Today page.


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