National Day of Hope | Joy for Today

Nearly weekly we post about JOY and end with a wish that you'll find HOPE for tomorrow. Hope is what keeps us going. Hope helps us smile when we think about the future, looking forward to the days to come. Where are you placing your hope? When you think about the future, what is the source of the smile on your face? Reminding yourself of this will help bring JOY for Today. April 5, 2023 JOY for Today Offerings: Did You Know... Five we didn't. Wolfe Stew Connects To finding hope. Bible Verses and Quotes About hope. Activity Suggestions To inspire hope. Last Year's Posts: April Fool's Day (April 1st Annually) and Palm Sunday (4.2.2023) Did You Know: There are three elements of hope? Hope, defined by PsychCentral as "the belief that your future will be better than the present and that you have the ability to make it happen" includes three elements: having goals, feeling empowered, and identifying various potential paths to your go...