The Divorced Son: Part Three | Reflections

I have always been looking for someone that can replace the father I lost. I knew it couldn’t be Randy, he was the guy my mother ended up with after the divorce. He was a jerk. At least, I felt he was because deep in my heart I knew he had stolen my family. Destroyed it! He was a bartender from one of the places my mom worked at when I was young. It just happened too fast. I felt it in my bones. I hated him. Another theme in my life, anger. I was so angry and fearful. I would have nightmares about my stepfather, and I could never fight back. It was like I was drowning, and my arms were pinned to my sides. I would wake up with my jaw clenched so tight I would have to work the muscles out to loosen them. I never really gave Randy a chance. I never would. And, p...