The Divorced Son: Part Five | Reflections

My grandmother, on my mother’s side, was a Saint. Not that my grandmother on my father’s side wasn’t awesome as well, but this story is about Grandma Weber. We will talk about Grandma Wolfe later on. Grandma Weber was so tied to God, it is almost unbelievable. She had joy that filled her cup and overflowed it into other people’s lives. I remember when we first moved to town, we would go to church with my grandmother, but we got bored with it pretty fast. None of us really felt what she did. We were kinda wrapped up in our own sins, and we enjoyed them. I feel like we looked at her like she was crazy. We would go over to their house and my brother and I would compete with sitting on the couch next to grandma first. She would sit next to us and rub our back, it was soo comforting. My grandfather was a tough man to deal with. I feel it took her amazing faith to deal with him on a daily basis. My grandmother was a...