Proverbs 31: Week Forty-Three | The Wolfe Notes

Welcome to week forty-three of our Proverbs 31 journey. If you'd like to return to one of our previous stops, let our "Wolfe Notes" guide you. 

  • In January we examined our value with the help of Proverbs 31 verses 10 and 29.
  • In February we learned what uplifting means by looking at Proverbs 31:11 and 23.
  • In March, we considered the virtue of respect by studying Proverbs 31:12 and 28.
  • In April, we trained to be hardworking with Proverbs 31:13 and 19 as our instructors.
  • In May, we saw what it takes to be resourceful by examining Proverbs 31:14 and 21. 
  • In June, we developed our caring muscle by exercising Proverbs 31:15 and 22.
  • In July, we practiced being savvy with help from Proverbs 31:16 and 27.
  • In August, we witnessed exemplary behavior outlined in Proverbs 31:18 and 31.
  • In September, we found what being necessary looks like from Proverbs 31:20 and 24.
  • In October, we will exercise strength in Jesus from Proverbs 31:17 and 25.
If you're ready to travel with us, welcome! Grab your October calendar with daily activities, the lamp for your feet (the Bible), and let's get going! We're journeying through the concluding poem of Proverbs and we're so glad you decided to walk along this road with us! Imagine that as we walk, we're talking about the daily activities. Our side of the discussion is outlined below. What would you add? How would you challenge us? (Ideas that are our thoughts alone are designated with an *.)

A girl in a yellow shirt reclines while smiling on a beach. Text overlay paraphrases I Timothy 2:10

*As Christ's Bride apply Proverbs 31:25
*A Look at Roles considering Proverbs 31:25.
*Godly Wisdom Reflecting on what Proverbs 31:25 reveals about God.
*Application to our personal lives in the past, present and hope for the future.
Cross References of Proverbs 31:25.
Worship with for King + Country
Top 3 lessons learned from Proverbs 31:25

*As Christ's Bride

 Apply Proverbs 31:25

As Christ's Bride, we:
  • Submit to Christ's plans for us because we know they are better than our own.
  • Respect the strength Christ gives us and wear with pride the honor bestowed upon us by Him.
Because Christ:
  • Leads us by remaining confident and resolute in His plans for our future. Even sacrificing Himself to ensure it ends with rejoicing.
  • Loves us by faithfully supporting, providing, defending, and uplifting us because of how greatly He esteems us.

*A Look at Roles

Considering Proverbs 31:25.

A Helper:
  • Submits to her husband's plans for their future, knowing she can trust him with them.
  • Respects her husband by leaning into his strength and adorning herself in his high regard for her.
Because a Keeper:
  • Leads his wife by making God-honoring, self-sacrificing choices for their future.
  • Loves his wife by strengthening (protecting, encouraging, and providing) and honoring (valuing, attending, and cherishing) her.

*Godly Wisdom

Reflecting on what Proverbs 31:25 reveals about God.
  • God knows we will feel weak and uncertain.
  • God provides us with strength and confidence.
  • God secures us a future of great rejoicing.


To our personal lives in the past, present and hope for the future.
  • In the past, I strongly DESIRED everything in this verse: to wear strength and honor; to be able to smile while thinking about the future. But the problem was I didn't know how. It felt unobtainable. How can you smile at the future while living in this world? With all the horrible scenarios that are likely to happen? The one thing certain about the future is uncertainty and tragedy. How could I ever smile, laugh, or rejoice over that?
  • Presently, this verse provides CONFIDENCE. I know the secret and you do, too! We can smile, laugh even, because our future is full of rejoicing. You can catch a small glimpse of it when you wear His strength and honor now. 
  • In the future, I hope to LEAD others to the secret of rejoicing in tomorrow and continue daily donning the strength and honor provided for me.

Cross References

Of Proverbs 31:25.
I Timothy 2:10 ESV but [women should adorn themselves] with what is proper for women who profess godliness - with good works
  •  Initial Thought: The good works are performed with:
    • strength - trusting God will supply all her needs and knowing that she lacks nothing
    • honor - to glorify God both in her actions and care for His lambs (John 21:15-19)
  • Cross References: 
    • Proverbs 31:31 KJV: Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates.
    • I Peter 3:3-5 KJV: But let [women's adornment] be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.
  • Hebrew: But with good actions which fit a wife (*Bride of Christ) who claims reverence to God. (*It's not enough to say it; show it.)
  • Commentaries: 
    • Ellicot: Women's public service is in deeds rather than words (*I Timothy 2:12 & 1 Corinthians 14:34) as Dorcas (Acts 9:36 & 39)
    • James-Fausset-Brown: Good works, not words; works were often used to oppose loose living & loose doctrine of false teachers; the discharge of everyday duties is honored with the designation "good works" (*not so today, mostly scoffed) 
    • Gill: Good works do not make them Christian, but they do adorn them as such - ornaments (*another meaning for hadar - Hebrew for honor) to their person, profession, and to the Gospel they profess. See Titus 2:10.
  • *Conclusions: Use the strength and honor given to you to help others so that they too may rejoice in time to come.
Psalm 132:9 Let thy priests be clothed with righteousness and let thy saints shout for JOY!

  • Initial Thought: Being clothed in righteousness brings JOY!
  • Cross References:
    • Psalm 47:1 KJV: O clap your hands, all ye people; shout unto God with the voice of triumph.
    • 2 Chronicles 6:41 KJV: Now therefore arise, O Lord God, into thy resting place, thou, and the ark of thy strength: let thy priests, O Lord God, be clothed with salvation, and let thy saints rejoice in goodness. (*"the ark of thy strength" which once rested in a physical temple, now resides within each of us)
    • Job 29:14 KJV: I put on righteousness, and it clothed me: my judgement was a robe and a diadem.
  • Hebrew: Priests wrap themselves in what is right, the faithful cry out in song.
  •  Commentaries: 
    • Ellicot & Pulpit: Originally righteousness was worded as salvation (see 2 Chronicles 6:41 above). Righteousness is the cause; salvation is the effect. 
    • Jamieson-Fausset-Brown: The ark, the presence of God and the priests make this a solemn environment.
    • Poole: Sacerdotal, ornamental clothing that represent righteousness all lead to salvation.
    • Gill: All true believers of the Gospel are priests and kings, clothed with righteousness and they sing for JOY at the incarnation, ascension, Gospel, and robe of righteousness of Christ.
  • *Conclusion: This verse is reflected in Proverbs 31:25 - He clothed us in strength and honor, so we have every reason to SHOUT FOR JOY!


With joy. by for King + Country

I hear examples of strength and honor throughout this song.
  • Strength inward and the result of JOY
    • Choosing not to fear by turning to JOY. "The time has come to make a choice / And I choose joy" 
    • Finding the rhythm or underlying song of life which is JOY. "Can't seem to find the rhythm, just wanna sing the blues."
    • Sacrificing your pride and praying to God for JOY. "Oh, hear my prayer tonight, I'm singing to the sky"
    • Trading your heart of stone for a heart of flesh which brings JOY. "Before my heart, heart, turns into stone."
    • Being motivated by strength and honor which are JOY. "Let it move you, let it move, let it move you."
    • Feeling the JOY in your heart no matter the circumstance. "I need that joy, joy, joy, joy / Down in my heart, down in my heart to stay"
  • Honor outward and glorifies God.
    • Believing God will bring dry bones to life (Ezekiel 37:1-14) because that's who He is. "Gotta get that fire, fire, back in my bones."
    • Trusting God will hear your prayer. "Oh, hear my prayer tonight,"
    • Choosing blessing over cursing for yourself and others. "'Cause this is do or die / I choose joy / Let it move you"
    • Facing your fear with the confidence of your savior. "Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of night / Oh, with You by my side, I'm stepping into the light"
    • Willing to testify about the source of your JOY. "Give my strength to raise my voice, let me testify"
    • Recognizing something is wrong and trading in distractions and doubt for strength and honor. "Back when I was younger, my eyes were full of life / But now that I am older, I live at the speed of life. Feels like the cycle never...stops"
*Conclusions: Joy starts in our heart, but spreads. That strength and honor we put on which leads to rejoicing, is not just for ourselves, but for others. Start by recognizing you need to change. Be motivated by JOY, not fear. We do not have to be afraid, for He is with us. Honor that belief.

Top 3

Lessons learned from Proverbs 31:25

  1. God wants us to walk through life with strength (truth) and honor (righteousness).
  2. JOY, which comes from God and fills our future, is meant to be shared.
  3. This scripture is a beautiful portrait of us when we allow ourselves to fully trust God.

Final Thoughts

This verse has helped me keep my perspective fixed on Him. I hope it is doing the same for you. We can stand firmly on The Word for He is faithful. From this sturdy foundation, we can reach outward to honor Him by showing others who He is. This is our purpose. With strength and honor, let's live out who we were made to be.

Growing with You,

Review Week 42 or
Move on to Week 44,

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