January 2025 | Calendars

Happy (almost) New Year! We hope you had a very Merry Christmas and are gearing up for the new year. Each new year offers an opportunity to evaluate and reconsider the choices we are making in life. Neither one of us takes New Year's resolutions too seriously, but I do choose a word for each year. Last year's word started as GLORIFY, but was changed to OPEN at the last minute. Which, come to think of it, served as a good segue into practicing being more open. This year (unless it changes at the last minute again) my word is COMMITTED. Last year opened me to accept opportunities I normally decline, and this year I'm committed to deepening them. Whether or not you choose a word of the year or commit to a resolution, all of us are looking to grow ourselves and others because that is what leaders do. Please pray for us as we seek to deepen our commitments and know that we likewise are praying for you. For some fresh ideas to begin a fresh new year, here are some ideas we'v...