Isaiah 48 | The Wolfe Notes

Welcome, Family! We're spending 2024 with the prophet Isaiah. While we claim no expertise, we're excited to sit with you as we both learn at the feet of Jesus. Each month, we offer a calendar that outlines daily exercises (adapted from Jenn Wilkin's Women of the Word Bible study process) to progress through Isaiah. Download September's calendar to begin with us and witness what we uncovered in our weekly "Wolfe Notes" postings.

A sunset over autumn mountains. Text overlay quotes Isaiah 48:9


  1. Different Versions Noting and clarifying differences between KJV EXB.
  2. Annotation My thoughts, connections, clarifications, and questions.
  3. Research on refining silver.
  4. Summary An approximately twenty word overview of the chapter.
  5. Memorize Why I chose to memorize Isaiah 48:9.
  6. Cross References Of Isaiah 48:9.
  7. Respond Based on reflections on God's character and my own.

Different Versions

I read Chapter 48 in the King James Version (KJV) and the Expanded Bible (EXB). The KJV is a word-for-word translation while the EXB is a thought-for-thought translation with word-for-word perspectives.

Major differences I noticed (*My thoughts alone are in italics and designated with an asterisk.):
  • Isaiah 48:10
    • Comparisons:
      • KJV: Behold, I have refined thee, (1) but not with silver; I have (2) chosen thee in the furnace of affliction.
      • EXB: I have made you pure [refined you], (1) but not by fire, as silver is made pure. (2) I have purified you by giving you troubles [in the furnace of affliction].
    • Discrepancies: 
      1. The KJV seems to suggest they could have been refined by silver, but the EXB says in the same way silver is.
      2. The KJV says they were chosen in their affliction, but the EXB says they were purified by it.
    • Conclusions: 
      • In Hebrew, 
        1. The second phrases is welo bekasep or not silver. *So inference is required, although the EXB makes more inferences than the KJV.
        2. The second word, behartika, is interpreted as "chosen" in the other two places it occurs, as it is in the KJV here.
      • *Look at the research section 👇 for a deeper investigation.


Notes on my process*Denotes my thoughts alone. ! Denotes a connection. Researched quick answers are in italics. *Indicates a topic with more extensive notes under the research heading.
  1. Reason for Prophecy (Isaiah 48:1-5)
    1. My people, You abuse My name for You do not use it in truth or righteousness.
    2. Even though you say you are Mine and depend on Me.
    3. I told you what would happen and I made it happen.
    4. Because I know how stubborn and close-minded you are.
    5. It told you what would happen in advance so you could not credit anyone or anything else.
  2. Reaction to Prophecy (Isaiah 48:6-8)
    1. You saw it, but still won't declare it. You even seem surprised by the current events I already told you about.
    2. Obviously, you weren't listening or you would declare it.
    3. But I knew it. Before you were born you fought hard against me.
  3. Refinement (Isaiah 48:9-11)
    1. To stay true to who I am, I will not act in anger. I will not cut you off, because I love you, and desire your praise.
    2. I have refined you gradually through trials, not harshly like silver.
      1. ? Why were they not refined with silver? *R
    3. For my own purpose, I refine you. For my name won't be polluted. My glory won't go to another.
  4. My Plan (Isaiah 48:12-16)
    1. My people, listen to Me: I am the I am. I exist beyond time, beyond laws of physics and nature. 
    2. I created heaven and earth. They obey My command.
    3. Who else can declare what will happen. Watch as my chosen one performs my purpose, my discipline.
      1. ? Are the Babylonians and Chaldeans the same? 
    4. I called him and guided him and his actions will be prosperous.
      1. *Cyrus represents Jesus. (See research.)
    5. I've always been here and never tried to hide it. I'm sent by God and the Holy Spirit.
      1. ? How could Cyrus not represent Jesus? Afterall, with Jesus, this verse holds the presence of the Trinity. (Isaiah 48:16)
  5. Lament (Isaiah 48:17-19)
    1. I, the Lord, teach you how to prosper and lead you in righteousness.
      1. ! He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Psalm 23:3 KJV
    2. If only you obeyed me then you would know peace and righteousness.
    3. Your descendants should not have had to suffer - but you chose wrongly.
  6. Your Future (Isaiah 48:20-22)
    1. As you flee Babylon, let the whole world know who redeemed you.
    2. Who led you through the desert and provided for you along the way.
      1. Isaiah 43:19 EXB: Look at the new thing I am going to do. It is already happening [sprouting/springing up]. Don't you see it? I will make a road [path; way] in the desert [wilderness; the return from Babylon is portrayed as a new Exodus] and rivers [streams] in the dry land [desert; wasteland]
      2. ! Exodus 17:6 KJV: Behold, I will stand before thee there upon the rock in Horeb; and thou shalt smite the rock, and there shall come water out of it, that the people may drink. And Moses did so in the sight of the elders of Israel.
      3. ! Numbers 20:11 EXB: Then Moses lifted his hand and hit the rock twice with his stick [staff; he was supposed to speak to it, Numbers 20:8]. Water began pouring out, and the people [community; congregation; assembly] and their animals drank it.
    3. Yet the wicked will still not find peace.


*Thoughts that are mine alone are marked with an asterisk and italicized.
Why wouldn't God refine the Israelites with silver? Isaiah 48:10

To Show His Mercy

  • Refining silver was a harsh process. 
    • It required being run through the fire seven times.  
    • Psalm 12:6 EXB: The LORD's words [or promises] are pure [flawless], like silver purified [refined] by fire [or in a furnace], purified [refined] seven times over.
  • Although refined by silver is a common metaphor:
    • Isaiah 1:25 KJV: And I will turn my hand upon thee, and purely purge away thy dross, and take way all thy tin.
    • Ezekiel 22:18 EXB: "Human [Son of man;] the people [house] of Israel have become scum [dross; useless] to me. They are like the copper [or bronze], tin, iron, and lead left in the furnace when silver is purified.
    • Malachi 3:3 KJV: And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness.
  • Perhaps this time God knew it would be too much for Israel and shows His mercy. - Ellicott, Pulpit, Barnes (referencing Jarchi, Kimchi, and Rosenmuller)

Demonstrates their Unworthiness

Although God continued to refine them, He only found dross and no silver, even after the afflictions. (Grotius and Gesenius as referenced in Barnes).

A Different Type

Their refinement wouldn't happen with fire as silver (*the Holy Spirit) but by people. (Vitringa as referenced in Barnes; added thoughts are mine)


    Silver was used for redemption (Exodus 30:12 & 38:25) but in this case wasn't enough. Their redemption would need to come from people, or more precisely and ultimately, a person: Jesus. This verse lays the groundwork for the need of an ultimate redemptive plan.


    Though you are stubborn, for My sake, you will be refined. I will not give My glory to another.


    I chose to memorize Isaiah 48:9.
    For my name's sake will I defer mine anger, and for my praise will I refrain for thee, that I cut thee not off.

    This reminds me that if God can defer His anger for me, I can defer my anger for others. If God chooses not to cut me off, I can choose to not cut others off. Both of these actions will bring glory to His name.

    Cross References

    *Thoughts that are mine alone are marked with an asterisk and italicized.

    Of  Isaiah 48:9.

    For my name's sake...
    • Isaiah 30:18 EXB: The Lord wants [is waiting] to show his mercy [be gracious] to you. He wants to rise and [or is exalted and wants to] comfort [show compassion to] you. The LORD is a fair [just] God, and everyone who waits for his help [him] will be happy [blessed].
    • Isaiah 37:35 KJV: For I will defend this city to save it for mine own sake, and for my servant David's sake.
    • Isaiah 43:25 EXB: "I, I am the One who erases [blots out] all your sins [transgressions], for my sake; I will not remember your sins.

    ...will I defer mine anger,...

    ...and for my praise...

    • John 4:23 EXB: [But] The time [hour; see 4:21] is coming when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit [or the Spirit] and truth, and that time is here already [has now come; is now here]. You see, the Father too is actively seeking such people to worship him.
    • Matthew 4:10 KJV: Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.
    • Psalm 150:6 EXB: Let everything that breathes praise the LORD. Praise the LORD!
    • See our research on fighting with tambourines and harps.

    ...will I refrain for thee...

    • Isaiah 45:6-7 KJV: That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the LORD, and there is none else. I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
    • Acts 17:30 EXB: In the past, people did not understand God, and he ignored this [or God overlooked such times of ignorance]. But now, God tells [commands] all people in the world to change their hearts and lives [repent].
    • Thessalonians 2:6-7 KJV: And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.

    ...that I cut thee not off.

    • Nehemiah 9:30 EXB: You were patient [bore] with them for many years and warned [admonished] them by your Spirit through the [your] prophets, but they did not pay attention [give ear]. So you handed them over to other countries [the people of the lands].
    • Romans 8:39 KJV: Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
    • John 6:37 EXB: The Father gives me the people who are mine. Every one of them will come to me [All/Everything the Father gives me will come to me], and I will always accept them [not reject them; not cast them out].

    *Conclusion: Our God is a good, good Father who cares infinitely about us. His mercy is endless as He continuously forgives, comforts, and defends us while waiting on us to accept Him. When we come to understand and accept what He offers our natural response is an outflowing of praise. Only then will we come to rest in eternal unity with Our Maker, Our Redeemer, the Lover of Our Souls.


    1. God protects His reputation (Isaiah 48:9-11)I protect mine, but I shouldn't. If my identity is in Christ, I must let God protect my reputation. When my reputation is attacked, I can defer my anger and trust God will resolve the problem. I can choose to never give up on another person because God never gives up on them. While some relationships may change out of necessity (i.e. We don't build each other up. It's distancing me from God. etc.), I will always continue to pray and care about God's refinement process in that person's life.
    2. God never gives up on us even though we are stubborn and stiff-necked (Isaiah 48:4). I sometimes give up on Him or don't even invite Him into a situation. I must create a rhythm of acknowledging God's presence in every situation. At each intersection, I can offer a quick prayer saying: "God, I know You're with me, soften my heart to hear and follow Your righteous guidance which leads to peace instead of seeking my own way which leads to destruction."
    3. God refines us while caring for us (Isaiah 48:10, 21). I am not in charge of my own sanctification: God is. My job is to submit to Him in all things, rest in His comfort, and acknowledge His works in my life.

    Father God, You are in control, so I don't have to be. As I learn to hand control over to You, help me lean into Your caring to warm myself in Your love and relax in Your peace. I'm not in charge: You are. My job is to show up and do my best while submitting and resting in You. An easy yoke that I keep complicating. Teach me to leave it to You and then to rest in the comfort of Your embrace. 

    Learning with You,

    Ready for Isaiah 49?

    Sample these related posts:
    A day-by-day pacing for studying Isaiah 44-50.
    Topics include Babylon, pride, God's justice and supremacy.
    Learn lessons from ants to defend God better in actions, words, purpose and thoughts.
    My revision of the concluding poem of Proverbs in which Jesus takes the lead role.
    Includes tending crops as a metaphor for refinement.


    Interested in more faith-related blogs? Then you're looking for Faith Food. At Faith Food, you'll find links to all our faith-related blogs and a short description of each.

    Image Credit: Fall image by alandsmann at Pixabay


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