June Week 4 | An Idea for Every Day

(Updated 4/25/22.) It’s official: summer’s here! While we’ve been out of school for a while, knowing it’s officially summer makes me consider summer goals. Before summer’s end, we hope to go camping at least twice, attend a wedding, clean out our garage, foster curiosity and love for others in our learners, pray through surgery and recovery, and search for God’s will in a new job, all the while continuing to reach out to you through Wolfe Stew . What about you? What are your summer goals? While you’re here, we’re hoping we might just be able to help walk with you through some of those goals. To reach that end, we’ve gathered ideas for you (and your learners) for this fourth week of June, and we’re plating them up in the following ways: June Calendar – Ideas at a glance with clickable links for you advanced planners. Weekly Blog- You’re reading it now. 😊 SUBSCRIBE by submitting your email in the side panel to get them delivered directly to your inbox. Check out our fo...