
Showing posts with the label July

Give Something Away Day 2022 | JOY for Today

(Updated 6.23.2023) Giving well requires thinking outwardly. It means carefully considering what might benefit another and acting to make it happen. JOY is found on both ends: the giving and the getting. As you consider what to give away, we ask that you think outside material goods and consider what words and actions you might also give away to make someone else's day. Give Something Away Day Selections: Did You Know...  Five we didn't. Wolfe Stew Connects  Connecting charity and love. Bible Verses and Quotes  About charity. Activity Suggestions  Thoughts about choosing what to give, questions, family challenge. Did You Know: Giving is good for your health?  According to Cleveland Clinic , engaging in a charitable activity can lower your blood pressure, improve your self-esteem, lessen depression, decrease stress levels, prolong your life, and lead to greater levels of happiness and satisfaction. Only about 20% of donations come from corporations? In 2020, according to Digital

Independence Day | JOY for Today

(Updated 6/22/2023) In this country, we take freedom seriously. It's synonymous with the United States of America. But what is freedom?  Freedom, exercised properly, brings great JOY. This Independence Day, we ask you to consider that freedom comes with responsibility. Our forefathers labored to create a land free from oppression and tyranny . Are you choosing to live a life in service to freedom for others or are you chained to selfishness? July 4th Annually Independence Day Choices: Did You Know...  Five we didn't. Wolfe Stew Connects  Our country's origins. Bible Verses and Quotes  About freedom. Activity Suggestions  Fireworks, crafts, history, questions, books, and family challenge. UPCOMING HOLIDAYS Give Something Away Day ( July 15th Annually ) National Ice Cream Day ( July's Third Sunday ) National Parents Day ( July's Fourth Sunday ) Did You Know: We have John Adams to thank for our firework tradition?  His vision of Fourth of July celebrations written in a

July 2022 Calendars | Printable and Holiday Options

July is camping, heat, and continued summer activities all in hues of red, white, and blue. What does July 2022 bring for you? However you define July, we're excited that we get to walk through it with you. Here's what we're offering on the July 2022  Wolfe Stew  menu: July 2022 Ideas for  Every  Day Calendar  (family friendly, educational) July 2022 Growth for Today Calendar  (personal growth, Bible-based) Blank 2022 Calendars   Bible verses  Inspirational Quotes July 2022 Ideas for EVERY Day  View the current month's calendar  at the Learning Lab Tab. July 2022  (updated for you!) July 2021   July 2020 Also, consider sampling our  JOY for Today  posts, where we celebrate selected days throughout the year by offering facts, connections, scripture, quotes, and activity suggestions. Check out our three most recent  JOY for Today  posts: Flag Day Father's Day Forgiveness Day July 2022 Growth for Today Calendar This "Growth for Today" calendar is

July 2021 | Ideas for Every Day

(Updated 6/2/2022) July looms leaders. I imagine you’re knee-deep into summertime activities. Does anyone else feel like the summer is their busiest time of the year too? To aid you in your summertime activities, we’ve fashioned a calendar with ideas for every day. We've paired daily holidays with learning and family activities to help you find the JOY in  every  day. To use it: Glance it over,  Click the links that interest you,  Let the learning begin! (or download your printable calendar here ).  And now,  Jump to last year’s line-up (with details for  every  day). Get a BLANK July 2021 calendar with  An inspirational quote OR Selected Bible verse   Keep reading to learn more about Our Top 5 Picks. Get your BLANK July 2021 calendar featuring this Bible verse . Get your BLANK July 2021 calendar  featuring this quote . Our Favorite Five July 2021 Activities 1.       U.S. Postage Stamp Day – Thursday, July 1, 2021 U.S. Postage Stamp Day is an easy choice for me because

July Week 5 | An Idea for Every Day

(Updated 7/14/2022) As each new month approaches, I am convinced that it catches me by surprise every time. August looms leaders. We're here to help you get ready for it. Whether you're getting ready to go back into the classroom, begin a year of homeschooling or you're looking for activities for your learners to do today, we're stewing on resources for you. Our desire is to help breathe fun into learning and we attempt to achieve that goal by pairing daily holidays with activities for your Preschool to Sixth Grade learner. The activities chosen range from academic to social emotional to just plain fun, and we only choose activities that we would consider doing with the learners in our lives. We hope your learner loves them as much as we think our learners will.  Check out the upcoming holidays ranging from July 26, 2020 to August 1, 2020 (click the link to "jump" to the correlating day's description). Aunt & Uncle's Day   (July 26th Annually) - Pu