
Showing posts with the label March

March 2025 | Calendars

March brings hope. The hope of warmer weather, of a week off of school, and of accepting restarts. Generally, by the time March rolls around, my New Year commitments need refreshing or revising. Right now, I'm pondering a more thorough and regular cleaning routine. Not at all what I want to do, but what I feel needs doing. What does March bring for you? Are you also looking forward to warmer weather, relaxation, and restarting forgotten goals? Or is something else entirely on your mind?  Whatever it is, know that God is ready to help, all you need do is ask. So, keep a song in your heart and know you're never alone. He wants to work  with you. We're praying you reach up and accept the help  and hope He's offering. Our March 2025 offerings: March 2025 Ideas for  Every  Day Calendar  (family friendly, educational)  March 2025 Growth for Today Calendar  (personal growth, Gospel study) March 2025 Ideas for EVERY Day View the  current month's ca...

Let's Laugh Day | JOY for Today

JOY is the sound of laughter. Laughter that radiates from your head to your toes. Laughter that won't stop and keeps bubbling up for more. Laughter that brings forth a radiant smile even from a memory. Laughter that restores, connects, and heals. Let's laugh, friends, for in our laughter we know JOY. Let's Laugh Day | March 19th Annually JOY for Today Offerings: Did You Know...  Five laughter facts that we didn't know. Wolfe Stew Connects  To God's emotions. Bible Verses and Quotes  About laughter. Activity Suggestions : How-to guide, laughter machine, JOY box, discussion questions, and family challenge. UPCOMING HOLIDAYS:   Palm Sunday (The Sunday Before Easter - 3/24/2024) Easter (The Sunday following Spring's first full moon - 3/31/2024) April Fool's Day (April 1st Annually) Did You Know: Some scientists think laughter was our first form of communication?  Millions of years before we developed the lung strength required for speech, laughter might have b...

March 2024 | Calendars

There are a lot of things about March that are not fair: like cold weather staying around when we're ready for warmth; like the radio announcer talking about summer when it isn't yet spring; like preparing learners for state testing when there are so many other things you would rather be teaching. But, I suppose, what is fair is a matter of who is judging. This March, I want to challenge you to resign from your position as Supreme Judge in the Kingdom of You and reinstate God to His rightful throne. Afterall, He is the only one qualified to truly judge fairly. It might mean handing your hurt to the healer and letting Him work. It might mean releasing your anger to Him so He can turn it to good. It might mean embracing the JOY in overwhelming circumstances because you choose to rest in His presence through them.  If you are determined to bring JOY into your home or classroom, even when you don't really feel like it, we have a few ideas for you. Our March 2024 offerings inclu...

National Good Samaritan Day | JOY for Today

Does the story of the Good Samaritan make you uneasy, too? I hear it and I want to believe I would be the one to help, but I don't know that I would. Yet what JOY resulted from the Samaritan's choice to help, at notable risk to himself, when he was under no obligation or expectation to. Let's challenge ourselves to give more than expected from the abundance of joy that overflows in our souls. JOY for Today Offerings: Did You Know...  One we didn't. Wolfe Stew Connects  To being an everyday  Good Samaritan. Bible Verses and Quotes  About Good Samaritans. Activity Suggestions  To activate everyday Good Samaritans. Last Year's Posts: St. Patrick's Day (March 17th Annually) and Spring Equinox  (3.20.2023) Did You Know: The Good Samaritan originated in the Bible? Jesus told the parable of the Samaritan in response to a teacher of the law asking for clarification on who he was to love. The teacher was certain that Jesus' response would prove his righteousness....

International Women's Day | JOY for Today

(Updated 2/8/2024.) Women, you are seen. You are valued. You are loved. Enter this worldwide celebration of women with JOY knowing your incredible worth and uplifting every woman that surrounds you. JOY for Today Offerings: Did You Know...  Two we didn't. Wolfe Stew Connects  To the women of right now . Bible Verses and Quotes  About women. Activity Suggestions  For finding JOY in being a woman. UPCOMING HOLIDAYS: Get Over it Day (March 9th Annually) National Good Samaritan Day (March 13th Annually) St. Patrick's Day (March 17th Annually) Did You Know: The "ideal" body shape for women does not exist?  Rather, it has changed throughout history. In the 40's, popularly advertised products promised to help women gain weight, contrary to the modern fit body standard. ( Fact Retriever ,  CNN .  and GMA ) Women have more densely packed brain cells?  Men's brains are 9% larger, but both genders have the same number of brain cells. So, to fit all the ce...

March 2023 Calendars | Blank, Holidays, and Personal Growth

Move, keep [Marchin']. Soldier keep movin' on!  That song, " Move, (Keep Walkin') ," by Toby Mac, is one that often inspires me to keep going, which is exactly what we need this time of year. Spring Break is around the corner and your learners know it! What's more, you're also thinking about state testing, end of year evaluations, job security, and prep for the upcoming year. It's a lot, Leaders, but we know you have what it takes to make it through. Keep marching! Step-by-step. Before you know it, you will be at the end. What is your best advice to keep going even when it's tough, Leader? For us, it's making sure we take time to be honest with our feelings and address them. To focus on what is in front of us right now and let the future take care of itself. Be faithful in today and trust God for tomorrow, that's our marching cadence. We're praying for your endurance this month, Leaders! Here's what we're offering on the March 2...

Vernal Equinox | JOY for Today

Reawaken, restart, rejuvenate, renew. Spring - a time of growth, new life, and warmth - is full of JOYful possibilities. Welcome to the Spring celebration! " Daisy Flowers in White " by Karen Arnold via Public Domain Pictures Vernal Equinox Offerings: Did You Know...   Wolfe Stew Connects Bible Verses and Quotes   Activity Suggestions  (For families, classrooms or individuals) Did You Know: Two "first days" of spring exist? One, the equinox, is astronomically based, but the other, used by climate scientists, is based on the temperature cycle. So, dear reader, you may choose to celebrate the first day of spring on March 1st (meteorologically) or March 20th (astronomically). Some cultures recognize the vernal equinox as their new year ?  While we celebrate the New Year in January, some countries in the middle east wait until spring to officially mark a New Year. To celebrate, they jump over bonfires, clean their homes, feast, paint eggs, bang pots, and picnic. A s...