November 2024 | Calendars
As November nears our thoughts turn to thankfulness. I hope this year your gratitude lists are overflowing, and if they are not, I hope you are able to find a blessing or two in every day. They are there, even though they are harder to find on some days than others. A few ideas we're pondering this November are forgiveness and salvation. Often, we don't think we need forgiveness or salvation but are looking for ways to extend forgiveness and salvation to others. What if this November we took time each day to seriously consider, and be thankful for, the forgiveness and salvation we have been given? A few practices we plan to put into action include: Letting others - learners included - help us and express genuine appreciation for it. Giving others - learners too - the chance to forgive us by apologizing when we've wronged them. Sure, you can do it on your own, and maybe an apology isn't necessary. But perhaps you need to learn to let others save you from time to time. M...