
Showing posts with the label Performance

August Week 3 | An Idea for Every Day

(Updated 8/4/2022)  Welcome, leaders, to Wolfe Stew . We are SO glad you’re here. Since the last post, we have been stewing on activities for you to use with your preschool to sixth grade learners for every day of August’s third (Yikes!) week. We chose daily holidays and paired them with learning ideas from around the ‘net in an effort to bring engagement into your learning day. Check out the chosen holidays along with a brief description of practiced skills for the week spanning August 16 th to 22 nd . (Click the link to go directly to the described day.) Tell a Joke Day (August 16th Annually) -  Resources and tips for leaders and learners I Love My Feet Day (August 17th Annually) -  Health science (personal hygiene, foot anatomy); Art (painting, following directions, planning, imagining, making connections) Mail Order Catalog Day (August 18th Annually)  - Research Skills, Writing (opinion and persuasive) Potato Day (August 19th Annually) - Science (plants...

July Week 3 | An Idea for Every Day

(Updated 7/7/2022) If you're looking for ways to celebrate every day with your learner, we've been stewing on some ideas for you. We've chosen holidays for every day this third week of July and paired them with academic, social emotional, and just plain fun activities for you and your learner.   We'd love to hear from you! If you find an activity you really enjoy, let us know. Perhaps you make an adaptation that added depth, variety, or fun - we'd love it if you'd share. Did one of these activities just not work? Or perhaps you found a better one. We'd like to hear about it so we might make our list even better. After all, a stew improves with variety of ingredients and depth of flavor. The flavor you have to add is what our stew is lacking. To get in touch with us - find us on social media (buttons at the bottom of post), email us ( or or leave a comment at the bottom of this post. Here's a list of the daily holidays r...