National Inventors' Day | JOY for Today

Think of all the inventions that bring you JOY! Name one you would not want to imagine life without. God is good. We are surrounded by so many wonderous, marvelous things and blessed beyond measure. In all the marvel of this world, let's not take the true source of JOY for granted. JOY for Today Offerings: Did You Know... Five we didn't. Wolfe Stew Connects To overcoming distraction. Bible Verses and Quotes About inventing. Activity Suggestions Invention, research, writing, and discussion opportunities. Last Year's Post : Pizza Day (February 9th Annually) Did You Know: A calligraphy college course led to early Macintosh success? Steve Jobs, inspired by these classes, helped create a computer with beautiful typography that allured many purchasers and altered typefaces indefinitely. ( Mental Floss , Calligraphy Museum and Smithsonian Mag ) It took 11 years for Tetris' inventor to receive royalties on it? Inventor Alexey Pajitnov created the game a...