Go West Day | JOY for Today

All of us are on a quest for JOY. One of the ways people in early America sought it was to "Go West!" West was the land of opportunity, freedom, and adventure. What is your West today? What are you doing to find JOY? Go West Day | July 13th Annually JOY for Today Offerings: Did You Know... Five facts about the American West. Wolfe Stew Connects To the command to "Go!" Bible Verses and Quotes Inspired by opportunity. Activity Suggestions : Write ads, identify rules, design hats, discuss questions, and encourage opportunity-taking. UPCOMING HOLIDAYS: Give Something Away Day (July 15th Annually) National Ice Cream Day (July's Third Sunday) Gorgeous Grandma Day (July 23rd Annually) Did You Know: Horace Greeley is credited with the phrase, "Go West, young man"? Editor of the New York Tribune , Greeley wrote a letter in 1871 to a young man seeking career advice telling him to "Go West!" as this was the place where workers were wanted. Thou...