It’s nearly 2021, a year I think we’re all hoping will be better than the last. Unlike any other time in our lives, we’re ready to leave 2020 in the annals of history. Yet, there is likely a lot we’ve gained from 2020: time with family, picking up new hobbies, (re)evaluating our values. Hopefully, 2020 has strengthened us. As we enter into 2021, we’re looking for reasons to celebrate. And if you are too, we have one for every day for you. For each January day, we’ve chosen a holiday and paired it with complementary link pairings targeted at Preschool to Sixth grade learners and families. If the days and the links are all you need and you’re good to go, here’s the January 2021 calendar for you: Above is only a graphic. Download your January 2021 Calendar here. If you’d like a few more details before you commit to a click, keep reading below. Here are links to transport you to your desired date: Week One (January 1-2, 2021) Week Two (January 3-9, 2021) Week Three (Januar...